International Conference

CEDEM researchers participated at the 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference


Several CEDEM researchers participated at the 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference (Online, 1-2 July 2020):

  • Marco Martiniello chaired the session “Migrants’ Cultural Participation: why and how to study it?”
  • Daniela Vintila chaired the Panel “Transnational political mobilisation: linking diaspora’s electoral leverage, homeland political responsiveness and processes of democratic diffusion”
  • Daniela Vintila and Carole Wenger chaired the Panel “Transnational social protection policies and practices (Part I): top-down poli­cy initiatives and bottom-up strategies for coping with social risks”
  • Angeliki Konstantinidou chaired the Panel “Migration Citizenship and Political Participation Paper Session 1”, while also acting as discussant for the Panel “Migration Citizenship and Political Participation Paper Session 2”.
  • Carole Wenger chaired the Panel “Transnational social protection policies and practices (Part II): actors, strate­gies, and policy outcomes”
  • Félicien de Heusch presented a paper on “Understanding Senegalese migrants’ transnational engagement through body repatriation practices”
  • Larisa Lara presented a paper on “Insights from an ethnographer: processes of immersion and self -reflection in the fieldwork”
  • Carole Wenger presented a paper on “Balancing social protection opportunities here and there: transnational healthcare practices of Tunisian migrants and their families”

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